In addition to hoodies and sweatshirts, our holiday catalogue includes some additional items such as skate towels, blankets and PJ pants, just in time for the holiday season!
Catalogue: Stingers Clothing Catalogue - V2 (Holiday)
Order Form: Please complete and return via email to Toni Cooke at
Payment for these items will be made directly with Toni. Do not send payment for teamwear to ERA. Upon receiving your order, she will contact you directly to make payment arrangements via credit card.
These links will automatically download the documents to your computer, so you may need to check your downloads folder if they do not automatically open.
The personalized water bottles and helmet stickers are offered by a different supplier and therefore, orders and payments will be made directly with ERA.
Order Form:
Payment: Please make payment to ERA by eTransfer at and add "Water bottle" to the memo line.
All orders are due November 12, with delivery in approx 2-3 weeks.