2025/26 A/AA Player Intent Form & Tryout Process

A/AA Player Intent Form deadline is March 7, 2025

If your player is interested in trying out for an A or AA team, then they MUST complete the intent-to-tryout/play form by 11:59pm on March 7, 2025. At this time, it is simply a declaration of your intent/wishes and helps associations and Ringette Ontario plan and determine which Associations are approved to host teams at various age and skill levels. 
The A/AA intent form is only applicable to players at U14-U19 in the 2025/26 season (ie: born 2013 or earlier). This process does not apply to 12A.  This team formation will take place in the Fall. 
Here is the link for the form: https://forms.office.com/r/KX1uRTzkXJ  
Please complete one (1) form for each athlete in your family.
From Ringette Ontario:
  • Athletes wanting to tryout for A/AA teams will not be allowed to participate in any tryout session without having completed the online form
  • After submitting the form, any changes to intent forms will only be accepted via email from your Home Club President - Karen Webber (karen@etobicoke-ringette.com)
  • Please note that the data collected on these forms will not be made public and will only be available to Ringette Ontario Staff and Central/Southern Association Presidents. This data will only be viewed/used for the purpose of making informed decisions regarding team allocation/hosts and interest levels for each level/division of play with the intention of creating meaningful competition for the athletes in these associations for the 2025-2026 season. 
  • HOME ASSOCIATION - refers to the Association closest to you based on your current address (ie: Etobicoke)
  • CURRENT ASSOCIATION - this refers to the Association where you are playing in the 2024/2025 season (ie: Etobicoke or if you are playing elsewhere on a release, enter the name of that Association)
The Etobicoke Ringette Association will be hosting a Q&A session on March 6, 2025 at 7PM to answer questions you may have about the intent and tryout processes, as well as the different levels of play.  During this meeting, we will answer any questions you may have and will also review the Ringette Ontario Tryout Process documents, also found here: 2025/26 Tryout Process | Ringette Ontario 

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